Call for Presentation of T-MM Papers

IEEE ICME 2019 will be held at Shanghai, China, 7/8-7/12. This year we had a record number of paper submissions, and a high quality program that will surely interests you. As contributing authors of recently accepted IEEE Trans on Multimedia papers (accepted between 2017/07/01 and now), we would like to invite you to present your paper to a large ICME audience, the home conference of the IEEE Multimedia research community. This has been a long tradition for ICME and please consider taking advantage of this venu and its good exposure to the research community.

If interested, please go ahead register at the conferenc web site, provide info of your recently accepted paper title and authors/affiliations info at:

For TMM Presentation, please register as full conference registration. Each Full Registration includes 1 regular paper/special session paper and 1 Workshop/Demo/Industry/Grand Challenge paper/TMM presentation. When registering TMM presentation, please fill in "TMM Presentation" in the Paper Track, and fill in the paper accepted date (YYYY-MM-DD) in the Paper Number.

Important Dates

T-MM Presentation submission deadline: May 22, 2019