Call for Student Participation
The Organizing Committee of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2019 is pleased to announce the following student-centered events that will take place on July 10, 2019 during the conference:
- Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition
- Student Career Lunch
Both events are free to graduate students who have registered for the main conference or workshops. We expect to have over 50 student participants, and most of the students will be senior PhDs or at Master level that are looking for a job very soon.
The 3MT is an interesting yet challenging way to present a graduate research thesis to a general audience in just three minutes using a single PowerPoint slide. 3MT was first established at the University of Queensland in 2008 and has since been held at many universities around the world. For further information please visit
The Student Career Lunch provides a venue for students to meet and interact with industry partners and explore future collaboration or possible employment prospects. Free food will be served at the lunch, which will take place in the expo area. We will invite companies to join the event, and introduce their company and available job opportunities to the student participants, as well as facilitate meet and chat with them.
To participate in the 3MT and Student Career Dinner, please submit the following documents via in the “Student Program” Track as a single PDF file by June 6, 2019:
- Your CV (maximum 2 pages), which should include your contact details
- A letter from your Advisor confirming your student status
- Only if participating in 3MT Competition — An abstract of your thesis (maximum 1 page)
Awards will be given to the best 3MT presentations at ICME 2019 during the ICME banquet event.
Registration Steps
- Login into the CMT system.
- In the "Conference List" page, choose All conference, then find and choose the Workshop of ICME.
- In the Author Console, click new submission and choose Student Program.
- Fill in the Title, abstract and upload CV and the Advisor letter.
- In "SUBJECT AREAS", please indicate whether you want to attend 3MT only, student career lunch only, or both 3MT & student career lunch.
- After submitting, Click OK in the page for conflicts domain.
The CVs of the participants will be made available to the industry partners in order to facilitate interaction and networking during the Student Career Lunch event.
Important Dates
- 3MT and Student Career Lunch Registration submission deadline: June 6, 2019
Student Program Chairs